Engine Wiring Harness 4.0L 6 Cylinder 1998 TJ 56041440AA B2
Fits Jeep Wrangler TJ
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4.0L 6 Cylinder, Automatic, with cruise control, w/o ABS




Discounted due to end of battery harness missing end and plastic cover over injector harness needs replaced, see photos and Save $150

Fits 1998 Wrangler TJ

Good Shape, No Splices or burned wires. Includes Engine Injector Harness rail all the way back to fuel pump and Automatic Transmission Jumper wire which can be replaced with manual jumper wire to use on manual Transmission, as well as fusebox to dash junction box and battery harness. Tested all functions prior to dismantle of this Jeep. Has speed Control (Cruise Control) Fuse Box 56010350AB

Matching Inside harnesses are available on our website

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1998-1998 Jeep Wrangler TJ

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